Sunday 20 March 2016

MA Application process

Here is an overview of the application process from my point of view. It is going to be very vague on the details (not good form to give it away and the structure always changes), but follow the tips and you should be fine.

I did these tips, as I would have liked to have known some of these things beforehand (ie dress code).

Deciding to apply

This is the most important part and should spend the longest on this before deciding to accept a place on the course. 

TIP: Know the exact reason for joining Makers. Use SWOT, pros and cons etc to make your decision.

TIP: Find people in the software industry and talk to them about their experiences.

TIP: Research thoroughly the course, company (the website), students views (read blogs like this, talk to them if possible), review sites, Youtube videos. You are going to be dropping a huge amount of money, make sure you know what you are getting yourself into first.

TIP: Discuss with friends and family your thoughts and if this is worth it.

TIP: Do some coding before even thinking about apply, you want to make sure that software/web development is the career for you. 

TIP: Try the following Codecademy and Code School, and try the Ruby or Javascript paths.

TIP: Visit the offices, and be prepared with questions to ask. I met Ollie, who was really helpful and answered all my questions. Look at the environment, can you see yourself coping and spending lots of time in this place?

TIP: Make sure you have the money (fees, accommodation, food etc), not only for the course (3 months) but for at least 2 months after the course. Even better for the month you do the precourse (so 6 months in total).

TIP: Make sure you can fully commit, no work, no other hobbies or holidays planned, no social events etc. You need to make full use of time for learning and resting

TIP: Be prepared for the craziest, emotional, draining experience of your life.

TIP: It is going to be tough, tougher than university, than work...understand this and know you cannot really prepare for this.

TIP: Do not quit your job until you have got an offer and confirmed on a cohort.

TIP: When Pre course starts, the workload is much bigger than expected.


Now you have made your mind up, great you will not regret it!!!

The application form is very simple and easy to use. I am not going to write what I put down, but if you really want this new career, love coding and want to join Makers Academy, then it will be easy for you to fill in the form.

I will not give details, as they may change the process or questions.

TIP: Write in UK English and use correct grammar, punctuation, spelling and make sure it makes sense.

TIP: Answer the questions exactly. They are not trick questions, just follow the instructions.

TIP: Check. Check again. Ask someone else to check for you. Check again. Print out and read your form.

TIP: I think it took a week to hear back from MA. So do not stress out checking email all the time.

Interview work

If you are successful, you will receive an email with a set of instructions. 

It will have a list of things to learn for the coding test and the structure of the interview. 

TIP: Over prepare for the interview, think of lots of questions that could be asked (check Google for interview questions) and write notes and answers to them. 

TIP: Do the set work. Even if you have done it before, do it again. Don't memorise the answers to the problems, that will not help at all. 

TIP: You will have a week or so to prepare, plan your time wisely and stick to it. Do not leave it to the day before.

TIP: You will be sitting very close to the interviewer, so make sure you wear clean clothes and smell good!


Again, every interview will be different, so I will not divulge what happened. 

There will be a few questions, a logic test and a coding test, although this is not set in stone and it might be different for each candidate.

During my interview, they were trialling a new software for the coding part of the interview which was weird at first, but really good. Plus Nikesh, was really helpful and made the whole process feel very relaxed (especially when one of the laptops decided not to work!!!).

I think I over prepared, but that was great as it gave me confidence to handle anything. Plus all your notes will be useful for applying for jobs afterwards.

TIP: Once you made it here, just relax, and be prepared. If you really want it then you would have done enough to get it, if not then you should have done more. Better to be over prepared than under. 

TIP: Check out Google for interview techniques. 

TIP: Do not lie, be yourself. What they are looking for, in my opinion, cannot be faked.

TIP: Drink water during the interview. 

TIP: Dress code, I was at a loss here as love wearing a suit, but this is coding and everyone is pretty relaxed. So just be smart, no need for a tie or suit. For a guy, shoes, trousers/dark jeans and ironed shirt (and jumper) should be good. Just be comfortable in your clothes and make sure they are clean and ironed!

Here is some motivation music, if you need some pumping up, to hear before the interview:



My acceptance came within a couple of days of my interview (I do not know if this is usual). I was checking my email every half hour, I was so nervous, but it worked out great in the end.

I had around 15 days before the pre course started, so more practice to do. 

TIP: Follow the instructions and read everything in the email.

TIP: Make sure that you are certain again, go through all the reasons and feelings for doing this.

TIP: Get all your affairs in order before starting the course (leave your job, sort out finances and budget, etc), time will be at a premium when you start the course don't waste it on admin.

TIP: If there is lots of time before the start of the pre course, then start to do some extra learning and practice (get comfortable with command line, git, and go over ruby and do lots of problems)


Luckily, I did not get this email. But if you did, do not feel too downhearted. If you really want to do this than you will find a way to make it happen.

TIP: Ask MA why you did not get a place and what you could do about it next time.

TIP: Try another bootcamp.

I have been here for three weeks, and I love it, I love the work, I love failing, I love the students, I love the atmosphere, I love the coaches...This is going to be one the best things you ever do, it is not perfect, but it is great!

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