Monday 21 March 2016


Monday has become a sort of chilled out day, half the time is spent on code reviews and lectures, and the other half learning new terminology and starting on the weekly challenge. It is nice to start the week in a slow way, but at times I just want to power through the new work. 

I was with Chris today, the musician/contract killer (his viola case looks like a sniper case). We spent an age trying to solve a problem that has never happened to us before...rspec not recognising it's own method (i.e. 'feature'). We went up the chain of help. Google failed. Our peers failed. The Alumni Helpers failed. The coaches failed. We were pissed.

In the end, an Alumni Helper, William, decided to look at our code after hours and spot the mistake. It was writing the wrong type of '-' which proved the problem. Sometimes the simplest things are the cause of our problems, but being simple makes them hard to spot. 

Lesson learned: Be cool when stuck.

Also managed to get some free homous and bread, which were left over from a weekend event at Makers.

It was good, but the houmous was very acidic, which I found out later, was a sign the food was off. So I spent the whole day waitin for my stomach to explode.

Also free cookies and possibly free football.

In my opinion, the start of week four has been good!

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